Dear friends and supporters,
Pesach is right around the corner, and we are happy to bring this first quarter of 2015 to a close with an update on the remarkable
TOM:TLV event,  which took place two weeks ago.
TOM:TLV was a 72-hour make-a-thon (marathon of makers) that brought together technology experts, developers, social entrepreneurs, and individuals living with disabilities – all volunteers – to create technological innovations to meet the daily needs and challenges facing people living with disabilities. TOM:TLV was a Reut Institute and
ROI Community initiative, held in partnership with the Ruderman Family Foundation.
TOM:TLV was the latest in a series of events  created by the TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) initiative. TOM, created in the spirit of Tikkun Olam, aspires to harness technological innovation to create extremely affordable solutions that address neglected societal needs.
The make-a-thon took place in a specially designed workspace in the port of Tel Aviv and featured advanced technology including: Makerbot and Stratasys 3D printers, laser-cutting machines, and CNC machines (computer-operated milling devices). We had the honor of partnering with leading organizations and companies that supported the event through donations and in-kind equipment support, and by sending teams to participate. Our partners included: Stratasys, Autodesk, Intel, Bank Leumi, Ledico, Makerbot (through Systematics), Israeli Aerospace Industries and
more. (To watch a short clip from TOM click here. To join TOM's Facebook page click here.)

The six prizes awarded at the event Demo Day represent the core values of the TOM Initiative: 
The TOM:TLV prize for innovation was awarded to the "Connected Crutches" product, which created unique crutches that enable users to use cell phones while using crutches, and also relieve shoulder pressure that results from using crutches.
The Reut Institute prize for Community Integration was awarded to the "Knock Knock" product, created in collaboration with the Hilton Hotel. The product enables people who are deaf or hearing impaired to know whether there is a response to a door knock.
The ROI Community prize for Collaborative Competition was awarded to the "Active Wheelchair" product, which uses movement to lessen pressure on the legs of people in wheelchairs.
The Deloitte prize for Affordability was awarded to the "Page Turner" system, which enables people paralyzed from the neck down to turn pages in a book.
The Sivan Group prize for Scalability was awarded to the "Gamification of Physiotherapeutic Devices" product, which turns physical therapy into a game, allowing users to play while making significant progress in their rehabilitation process.
The Sparks prize for Smart Development was awarded to the "Hands On" device, which uses sensors to enable people with prosthetic hands to control the level of force they use while activating the hand. The ultimate test was lifting a ripe strawberry without damaging it. 