
From Easter to Easter
April 2024

Dear friends,

Salaam from Nazareth,
Easter is celebrated twice in the Middle East. This year, there was a five-week gap between the Western and Eastern calendars, with Eastern Easter celebrated last Sunday.
With family in both traditions, we celebrate both and exchange greetings: “Al Maseeh Qam! – Haqqan Qam!" (Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed!).
This year, the period between the two Easters was meaningful, both personally and in our ministry endeavors. Our journey to the United States spanned three weeks, coinciding with Western Easter. This trip was particularly touching as it allowed us to reunite with our son Adi, who is studying in the United States. Amidst precious moments with family, old friends, and new friends, we engaged in heartfelt conversations about peacebuilding, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the experiences of Christians in the Holy Land.
Virginia- March for Peace: ‘YES PEACE IS POSSIBLE’ 
On Holy Saturday, March 30, amidst the ongoing Israel-Gaza war, we joined our committed peacemakers, the Mennonite community in Harrisonburg, Virginia, as they marched for peace. Pausing for moments of reflection and prayer along the way, we pondered the themes of suffering and hope, mirroring Christ's journey to resurrection. Walking in the footsteps of the Peacemaker, we glimpsed the potential for renewal and redemption, even amid violence. It was a profound reminder that Easter's message of hope and reconciliation is needed most in times of darkness. 
Pennsylvania- Messiah University: Lecture on 'Peacebuilding in Time of War' 
It was a delight to speak at Messiah University. We discussed the theme of peacebuilding during conflict and the steps to achieving peace from a Christian perspective. Approximately 150 attendees, including students, faculty, and others from the wider community, joined in, with friends even driving a few hours to attend. Following the lecture, a stimulating Q&A session further enriched our understanding and sparked meaningful dialogue.
In my lecture, I proposed redefining societal norms that fuel violence: shifting from truth-owning to truth-seeking, and from 'never forget, never forgive' to 'remember and forgive'. Justice evolves from vengeance to a restorative process. Embracing a shared future, we move beyond exclusion practices and ideologies towards accepting the ‘other’ and loving our neighbor. It's a humble invitation to embrace these shifts for a better future.
Florida- Langham Vision Weekend Conference: ‘One Hope’
Speaking at Langham's Vision Weekend conference, themed "One Hope," was a true honor. Guided by the legacy of British theologian John Stott, Langham is dedicated to strengthening the ministry of the Word of God worldwide. Their support for national preaching movements, evangelical literature, and theological training has had a profound global impact. I am deeply grateful for Langham's ministry and its exemplary leadership, which has been instrumental in enriching my own research, networking, and ministry endeavors during my PhD and post-doctoral studies.
Texas- Bakke Graduate University: Lecture on ‘Palestinian Christians Presence in the Holy Land and a Vision for Peace’ 
Presenting a lecture on the presence of Palestinian Christians and their vision for peace at Bakke Graduate University was a privilege. The audience, comprising community leaders and PhD students from diverse backgrounds, engaged both in person and via Zoom. Our discussions explored the challenges and opportunities of peacemaking amidst division and violence.
A particularly enriching aspect of our dialogue focused on the concept of pursuing shared truth and addressing division. Transitioning from claiming truth to seeking it is essential in achieving shared understanding. While truth-seeking fosters accuracy, empathy, and paves the way for a shared future, claiming truth often leads to conflict, hindering progress and learning from past mistakes.
Texas- Chriswell College: Lecture on ‘The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and Christian Peacemaking’
At Chriswell College, the lecture dealt with the complexities of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and Christian peacemaking that illuminate the pathway to reconciliation. Particularly inspiring was the sincere eagerness of students to learn, grasp the truth, and take on responsibility. Their questions centered on how they could actively contribute to the solution, a refreshing approach in a world where many tend to take sides, exacerbating problems rather than seeking solutions.
After that we moved to discuss our ministry's activities in promoting peacebuilding through writing, teaching, and training. Our efforts challenge the mindset of revenge and exclusion. Working at the grassroots level, we aim to empower truth, justice, forgiveness, and embrace communities to overcome untruthfulness, revenge, hate, and exclusion, thereby fostering positive change. We also collaborate with communities in conflict zones, fostering mutual understanding and growth.
Texas- Primera Iglesia Bautista Church: Talk on ‘The Church Mission and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict’
Speaking at Primera Iglesia Bautista, the historic First Hispanic Baptist Church in Dallas, was a humbling experience, made all the more meaningful with the assistance of Marylin, my friend and translator.
The Church carries on the mission of Jesus, which is all about love, healing, saving, freeing, serving, preaching, and teaching. With the power of the resurrection and guidance from the Spirit, the Church can endure suffering and take on the role of the servant, becoming a genuine instrument of reconciliation in a broken world.
Texas- Visiting Southern Methodist University, Dallas Baptist University and Park City Baptist church
Additionally, we had meaningful meetings with faculty and pastors at Southern Methodist University, Dallas Baptist University, and Park City Baptist Church. We were encouraged by their warm welcome and openness for collaboration in different ways. 
New York- Visiting Calvary Baptist Church
Our journey took an unexpected turn when our flight back home was canceled due to Iranian rocket attacks on Israel, leading to a three-day delay in New Jersey before we could secure alternative travel arrangements. However, this delay allowed us to visit Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan. Meeting our friend Pastor Dr. Abraham Joseph and witnessing how the church building is being rebuilt to serve the Lord in a new context was truly inspiring. It underscored the importance of contextualizing the gospel in our efforts to spread God's love and message of hope.
In the midst of the polarizing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, even within the global church, strong responses and divided loyalties emerge. Yet, beyond these divides lies a shared humanity that transcends politics. At its core, this conflict is about people whose lives are shaped by its complexities and tragedies. It's about the longing for dignity, self-determination, security, and a place to call home.
The Israel-Gaza war leaves behind tragic scenes of immense suffering and destruction for both sides - peace seems like a distant dream. Yet, history has shown that even in the darkest of times, the seeds of peace can be nurtured, often against all odds. 
Reflecting on our experiences from Easter to Easter, we are reminded that the essence of resurrection is found in living the risen Christ's life. Without this resurrection, our ministry holds no purpose (1 Corinthians 15:14). May we embody His presence, bringing hope, comfort, justice, peace, and restoration—to the places, situations, and lives we touch. 
During our travels, we have encountered students, scholars, pastors, and leaders dedicated to making positive impacts in their communities. Their commitment to both academic excellence and service is inspiring. The warm welcome and genuine hospitality they've shown us have left us feeling uplifted and encouraged.
Reflections on Loss and Resurrection: A Tribute to My Father
Upon our return from the United States, my father fell ill and was hospitalized. Sadly, he passed away during the Eastern Easter season. In honor of him, I wrote the following tribute: https://www.comeandsee.com/view.php?sid=1436.
His passing during this sacred time was a touching reminder of the profound truth of resurrection: that even in the face of loss and adversity, new life emerges.
Pray with us
Pray with us for the cessation of the war, for safety, healing, and lasting peace. Your prayers, voice, and support are crucial. 
As we continue our journey, we humbly ask for prayers for strength, wisdom, and guidance. May our peacebuilding mission stand firm and more determined than ever.
Thank you for walking alongside us on this journey of faith and reconciliation. Your prayers provide strength and inspiration, and your financial support helps expand our ministry.
Al Maseeh Qam! – Haqqan Qam!
Rula Khoury Mansour, PhD
Founder and Director
Nazareth Center for Peace Studies
Nazareth Center for Peace Studies is committed to empowering individuals and communities as peacebuilders. Your financial support can help us expand our ministry. Thank you from all of us!