This is how you can help Astarta (Athalta):
In the US, instructions for donations to a 501(c)3:
- Donors can request wire instructions by sending an email to Weare not allowed to distribute PEF wire transfer information.
- All contributions to PEF must carry a recommendation (not a directive) for ATHALTA: SHAPING TOMORROW, no. 580764579.
- All checks must be in US dollars made payable to “P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds” only. No other words may appear on the payee line.
In Israel, wire transfer can me made to:
ATHALTA: Shaping Tomorrow (R.A) 580746579
IBAN (International Account Number)
Account no. 12-780-443608
Swift Address: POALITIT
IBAN (International Account Number)
Account no. 12-780-443608
Swift Address: POALITIT
Please contact us if neither of this options work for you so we can figure out a solution. Please write to