
Proposal Preparation Webinar

September 4, 2019
2PM EST  |  11AM PST  |  9PM Israel Time
Duration: 1hr

The U.S.- ­Israel Center of Excellence in Energy, Engineering and Water Technology (Energy Center) announces a webinar* that will provide a final opportunity for consortia to ensure their proposals are written according to the guidelines.
The Energy Center was initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy, Israel’s Ministry of Energy, and the Israel Innovation Authority and it covers 4 topics: Fossil Energy, Energy Storage, Cyber and Physical Security for Infrastructure and Energy­-Water Nexus. The maximum award for a consortium in a topic area is $10M for a period of 5 years, subject to appropriations and performance.
*All registrants and their questions will remain anonymous and unseen by others, to ensure privacy.
The BIRD Foundation, which manages this program, will be hosting a webinar
to provide an overview of the program guidelines and requirements.
For more information on the program:
Energy Center Website

For additional information, please contact:
U.S.:  Mr. Guy GuttermanGuyg@birdf.com | Ms. Andrea Yonah, Andreay@birdf.com
Israel: Ms. Chava Doukhan, Chava@birdf.com

We look forward to hearing from you,
The BIRD Foundation
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