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Bernard Gregory



Matinée d’information sur les financements MSCA
- Paris, le 26 Novembre

Vous êtes une entreprise, une association, un musée, une organisation internationale ou une fondation. Vous avez des activités de recherche et vous envisagez de recruter un/e chercheur/e pour un projet R&D pour 12 à 24 mois. Les Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie vous permettent de recruter des profils internationaux et de financer intégralement le salaire de votre chercheur.
Découvrez le dispositif et bénéficiez de retours d’expérience pour optimiser votre demande de financement lors de la matinée d’information organisée à Paris le 26 novembre.

Information event on MSCA funding schemes
- Paris, 26 November

You are a company, an association, a museum, an international organization or a foundation. You have research activities and you are planning to recruit a researcher for an R&D project lasting 12 to 24 months. The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions allow you to recruit international profiles and fully finance your researcher's salary, while having immediate cash flow.

Discover the funding scheme and benefit from feedback to optimize your grant proposal during our information event organized in Paris on November 26th.

Votre parcours professionnel : le livre dont vous êtes le héros

Vous connaissez sûrement ces livres particuliers dans lesquels l’auteur vous permet de choisir la manière dont l’aventure se poursuit pour le personnage central. La vie professionnelle, c’est aussi un livre d’aventure dont vous êtes le héros. 

Your professional background: the story of which you are the hero

You may be familiar with these particular books in which the writer allows you to choose how the journey continues for the main character. Professional life is also a book full of adventures in which you are the hero.

Welcome Desk 2019 by CiuP

The Welcome Desk Paris 2019 is organised by Cité internationale universitaire with the support of the City of Paris and the Region Ile de France to facilitate the arrival and integration of international students and researchers. A specific session for PhDs will take place on Saturday, October 5th. ABG will be there to discuss your career plan: meet us at CiuP and discover our services and job ads in industry!

Call for applications: doctoral stays
in France for Russian citizens 

The French Embassy in Russia has 2 specific programmes to foster collaboration between France and Russia, by granting PhD scholarships and mobility funding: Verdnaski and Ostrogradski.
Application deadline for both programmes: December 13th


Travel grants for early career researchers

The Communications journals (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) offer travel grants for postdoctoral scientists. The programme aims to help promising researchers travel to an international scientific meeting of their choice that they would otherwise have not been able to attend due to a lack of funding. Three grants, each of €2,500, are available to promising early career scientists whose research is focused upon one of the three subject areas covered by the journals to support the costs of travelling to and participating in a conference.
Application deadline: October 27th

Programme « Exploration Japon » ouvert à tous les domaines scientifiques

L’ambassade de France au Japon ouvre l’édition 2020 du programme « Exploration Japon » qui propose un soutien à la mobilité pour des chercheurs d’institutions françaises désireux d’établir un premier contact avec des équipes de recherche japonaises afin d'initier de collaborations scientifiques franco-japonaises.
Date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature : 25 octobre

"Japan Exploration" program open to all scientific fields

The French Embassy in Japan is opening the 2020 edition of the "Exploration Japan" programme, which provides mobility funding for researchers from French institutions wishing to establish initial contact with Japanese research teams in order to initiate new Franco-Japanese scientific collaborations.

Deadline for applications: October 25th

PhD research fellowships at Twitter (machine learning)

Machine Learning is at the heart of Twitter. It serves the tweets you see on your timeline and Twitter's ability to filter out spam and abusive content. Twitter's 2020 #PhD Fellowship allows to work on a research project with a Machine Learning team for a 6-month duration in either its Boston, SF, NY, and/or London offices.
Submit a research proposal before December 3rd.
Responsable de Laboratoire Chimie Analytique
chez Servier

#biotechnology #agronomy
Responsable scientifique
chez Aviwell

Consultant IT chez FRS Consulting

Docteur ingénieur chez Kadant Lamort

Ingénieur d'application expert LC/LCMS TQ chez Acavi

#computerscience #economy #management
Consultant(s) scientifique(es) chez Auditex
Research engineer at CEA

Postdoc researcher in Developmental Neurobiology at Museum National de l'Histoire Naturelle

Microbiome Scientist at Vaiomer

Research Project Officer position at Institut Curie

#Luxembourg #datascience #bioinformatics #physics
Associate professor in Integration and Modelling of Biomedical Data at the University of Luxembourg

#USA #chemistry
Microkinetic modelling of VGO hydrocracking at Total

#Switzerland #neuroscience #psychology
Postdoc researcher - SNSF project at the University of Geneva

#Switzerland #health #biology
Postdoctoral position at the Swiss Flow Cytometry School
physics #chemistry

ERC funded postdocs in development of reliable methods for molecular solids at Charles University
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