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Boaz Golan

Israel Bars Entry to Foreign Nationals

Dear Clients,
Israel's cabinet decided today to bar entry to foreign nationals for two weeks, except in “special circumstances". The bar on entry to foreign nationals will enter into force on Wednesday, December 23, 2020. The cabinet also mandated that all returning Israelis immediately enter a designated COVID hotel for a period of 14 days, or 10 days subject to two negative coronavirus tests.
The “special circumstances” for entry of foreign nationals relate (for example) to foreign business travelers seeking to come on a visit with urgent commercial significance, and which cannot be undertaken remotely. “Special circumstances” entry permits for foreign business travelers are generally valid for a single visit of up to 4 days. The business traveler is not required to self-quarantine prior to undertaking his/her business activities, but when not participating in these activities must confine him/herself to the residence where they are staying.
The Goldfarb Seligman Labor and Corporate Immigration Department is pleased to address any questions or issues relating to the entry of foreign business travelers to Israel during the coronavirus period, and in particular with regard to obtaining “special circumstances” entry permits.

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The above review is a summary. The information contained herein is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be considered in any way as legal advice, which would require an analysis of the particular facts and circumstances. For more information, please contact Adv. Liam Schwartz, Head of the Corporate Immigration Practice, Labor and Corporate Immigration Department: liam.schwartz@goldfarb.com; or at +972-3-608-9355.