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A Watershed Year for Dual-Listing of Non-Israeli Public Companies on the TASE

Dear clients and friends,

The past year has seen significant advances for Israel’s dual-listing arrangement on multiple fronts – legislative, regulatory, judicial and in the rules of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. The most dramatic development was the successful public offering in Israel by three U.S. public companies with no operations in Israel. The TASE financing opportunity, which entails minimal Israeli regulatory burdens, now beckons to public companies listed on any of six foreign stock exchanges: NYSE, NASDAQ, London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Toronto.

For the full review, please click here.
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The content in this Memo is provided for informational purposes only, and does not serve to replace professional legal advice required on a case by case basis. The firm does not undertake to update the information in this Memo, or its recipients, about any normative, legal, or other changes that may impact the subject matter of this Memo.

Should you have any questions or need additional information regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Adv. Adam Klein, Deputy Department Head of the International Corporate and Securities Department: adam.klein@goldfarb.com, or at: +972-3-6089986