אם אינך רואה מייל זה לחץ כאן

Collective Impact, Collaborative Processes, System Change – you hear these concepts over and over again. But how are they implemented in practice? Do they actually work? This time on Sheatuf-yeda – we bring you examples of our own and from the world, of processes that have brought results.

Have a good read,
The Sheatufim Team.

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 The Opportunity Fund's System Change 
In recent years, there is a growing awareness among philanthropic foundations, that the solution for complex social problems requires a systemic vision.

 A new article from Sheatufim presents a glimpse into the strategy and implementation of the System Change Model through the case study of the Opportunity Fund - a philanthropic partnership, established with the aim of promoting social leadership for young men and women from excluded populations. The article includes key insights, which can serve as a spotlight for leaders of system change processes in other arenas.
How Collective Impact Changes the World: Success Stories
In the frustrating reality in which social problems worsen despite all the resources invested in their solutions, the Collective Impact approach offers a different and innovative way of dealing with them – by means of long-term cross-sector collaborations.
Despite the great complexity, the approach already has impressive successes and achievements.
Here are some examples of Collective Impact initiatives that have reached their goals and succeeded to bring about profound changes in the social field.
"The Field - Learning Collective Impact" – A unique professional learning program on collaborative processes is underway!
Collaborative processes are an effective way of resolving social issues, but those who lead these processes are required to deal with many complexities and dilemmas.Creating a broad-based partnership in a complex inter-organizational reality, issues of building trust, creating agreements between a wide range of interested parties, impacting policy and more.
We invite you – Leaders of collaborative processes - to join us on a journey of shared learning, to refine the perceptions and practices in leading and managing collaborative processes and to be part of an emerging profession.
The Program combines a variety of learning methods and will include short lectures, open discussions and experiences, in which we will create new knowledge, that includes a combination of theories, accumulated experience from the field, and the wisdom in the room.
The program will take place on November 10-11, 2021, at Bet Sheatufim in Moshav Beit Yehoshua.
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