Dear Friends, Supporters, Parents, and Alumni,

Last night IDC's RRIS Campus Life held its annual Zikaron BaSalon Zoom event with Ruth Berlinger, a 89 year Holocaust survivor.
Ruth Berlinger was born in Poland and as a young child was sent to the Warsaw Ghetto with her family. Ruth’s father had many business connections including a a German soldier who helped the family to hiding. Throughout the war Ruth and her family went from hiding place to hiding place. Some families treated them terribly while other families allowed Ruth to have a childhood in whatever way was possible. After the War Ruth moved to Sweden where she met her husband and raised her family before moving to Israel.

I would like to mention Ruth's connection to RRIS was through first year Government student, Alyssa Anis, who served for two year in Shirut Leumi at Yad VaShem and made personal connections with many brave and inspiring Holocaust survivors.

Thank you for everyone involved in coordinating this event.
Best Regards,
Leslie Skyba
Executive Director
American Friends of IDC
A Holocaust Survivor's LIVE TESTIMONY