
Dear Friends and Partners,

We are thrilled to announce that the KLO crowdfunding campaign has ended successfully, raising over NIS 480,000 to support our ongoing activities. This incredible achievement wouldn’t have been possible without your generous contributions and unwavering support.

A heartfelt thank you to the 589 donors who placed their trust in us, choosing to stand up for KLO and the rights of workers during this challenging wartime period. In a time when needs are great, resources are scarce, and the rights of workers are often overlooked, you have shown that workers' rights are not a luxury.

In the shadow of the war, we have seen the state's attempts to overlook workers on the social fringes of Israel. In response, we raised awareness and promoted justice for them. Our recently published report, "Work and Unemployment", reveals the state's neglect of millions of workers and its failure to provide an effective safety net. In the absence of substantial policy from the state, we are tirelessly advocating for change, identifying systemic failures, and supporting workers facing increasing hardships.

We have grown accustomed to the fact that in times of emergency, the state often neglects social issues, fails to protect injured workers, and does not provide timely compensation. Without a clear and humane policy, millions are left at the mercy of decisions made far above their heads, and many will not receive any compensation even after the crisis has passed. This time, however, we managed to break through this wall of indifference. We successfully promoted a bill to protect hourly income workers during emergencies, which is now progressing with the backing of Knesset members and key decision-makers.

Thanks to you and the enthusiastic public support we received during the campaign, we will continue our battle for improvement and justice in the labor sector in Israel. Your generous contribution will enable us to:

Enhance the Hotline: The surge in inquiries since the beginning of the war has made it clear that our hotline needs additional resources to provide efficient and quick responses to the thousands of workers seeking information, advice, training, and legal assistance. In the coming year, we intend to upgrade this service to make our work more effective.

Strengthen Connections with the Socio-Economic Periphery: Kav LaOved’s growth is driven by the pressing needs of vulnerable workers in Israel. Given the current upheavals in the socio-economic periphery, the demand for our services is immense. In the coming year, we will expand our reception services and professional workshops in the south, focusing on areas where livelihoods are scarce, but workers' rights violations are widespread.

Lead the Fight for a Fair and Equal Labor Market: Together with our supporters, we will continue to advocate for workers who are often ignored by their employers and policymakers, overlooked by enforcement agencies, and are the first to suffer during economic downturns. Expanding coalitions is essential for promoting fair policies, and this year we plan to strengthen and broaden these alliances.

One day the war will end, and we will need to assess the damages and understand what happened. But tomorrow is shaped by the actions we take today, and we must not relent even while the conflict rages. We are committed to working with full vigor to create a significant impact with your help and support. With our dedicated team and loyal volunteers, we will continue to combat violations of workers’ rights and demand justice in the labor sector.

We invite you to join and support our work by donating to KLO's activities. 

Sincerely yours,
Adv. Ohad Omar
CEO, Kav LaOved (KLO)