Dear friends and partners,

It is with great excitement that I am writing as we launch our crowdfunding campaign to ask your support for Kav LaOved (The Worker’s Line - KLO). 
It was no easy decision to hold a campaign while war is still raging, but workers need us today more than ever - and we need you

At Kav LaOved we have been protecting for over 30 years the rights of Israel’s most vulnerable workers:  low-income Israelis, Palestinians, migrant workers, and refugees & asylum seekers. Since 7 October 2023, the needs we meet have risen dramatically:
  • More than 70,000 Israelis have been evacuated from at risk areas, many unable to reach their workplaces, all left in a rights’ limbo.
  • Thousands of new migrant workers have been brought hastily to Israel to replace Palestinian workers, with no concern for their rights’ violations.
  • 130,000 Palestinian workers have been blocked from returning to their jobs, after decades working in Israel, and don’t know any more how to feed their families.
  • Israeli authorities have passed only insufficient and confused emergency policies supporting workers, practically abandoning the most vulnerable to their faith. 
  • In this policy void, labor rights violations have spread as never before.

The situation is desperate. 

People across the country are reaching out to us. They need help to understand what their rights are. They need help accessing the assistance they are entitled to and deserve. They need us to advocate for policy change so that their needs are met. Before the war, at Kav LaOved we fielded approximately 100 calls per week on our hotline. Since 7 October, we typically receive over 400 calls per week. 

We are the only support line for innumerable un-unionized workers in Israel.

Your support will give Israel’s vulnerable workers a lifeline when they need it the most. 
  • Your donation will assist those living in evacuation centers, who find themselves in labor rights limbo, better access their rights and provide for themselves and their families.
  • Your donation will help those who lost their source of income and have not been offered any assistance from the government.
  • Your donation will protect migrant workers, arrived to keep Israel’s economy afloat, from systemic labor rights violations. 
  • Your donation will support hundreds of pregnant women who have been fired illegally since 7 October.
  • Your donation will help all marginalized workers groups in Israel see their rights respected and their dignity restored.

We are embarking on a crowdfunding campaign and I would like to ask your support and trust.  Together we will help the workers who need us, and will work for a fair and equal Israeli labor market. During the days of the campaign, 28-31May, every donation will be doubled by generous donors. Help us reach the goal of NIS 450,000.

Donation link - here.
Thank you very much for your contribution,

Adv. Ohad Amar,
Executive Director, Kav LaOved